Position: Senior Researcher in the Database team of Huawei Research UK.
Interests: Distributed systems and computer architecture. Specifically, building the next generation of datastores that will leverage emerging hardware technologies to offer very high throughput and low latency.
Looking for interns: to work in the above vision in Huawei Research center in Edinburgh; with freedom to make their own contributions and publish their work. (positions are open all year round.)
PC member: PaPoC’23, ASPLOS’23, ASPLOS’24
HeteroGen: Automatic Synthesis of Heterogeneous Cache Coherence Protocols. HPCA ‘22
Nicolai Oswald, Vijay Nagarajan, Daniel J. Sorin, Vasilis Gavrielatos, Theo Olausson, Reece Carr.
Avocado: A Secure In-Memory Distributed Storage System. ATC’21
Maurice Bailleu, Dimitra Giantsidi, Vasilis Gavrielatos, Le Quoc Do, Vijay Nagarajan, Pramod Bhatotia.
Odyssey: The Impact of Modern Hardware on Strongly-Consistent Replication Protocols. Eurosys’21.
Vasilis Gavrielatos, Antonios Katsarakis, Vijay Nagarajan.
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Towards the Synthesis of Coherence/Replication Protocols from Consistency Models via Real-Time Orderings. PaPoC’21.
Vasilis Gavrielatos, Vijay Nagarajan and Panagiota Fatourou.
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Hermes: a Fast, Fault-Tolerant and Linearizable Replication Protocol. ASPLOS’20.
Antonios Katsarakis, Vasilis Gavrielatos, M. R. Siavash Katebzadeh, Arpit Joshi, Aleksandar Dragojevic, Boris Grot, Vijay Nagarajan.
IEEE MICRO Top Picks Honourable Mention
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Lazy Release Persistency. ASPLOS’20.
Mahesh Dananjaya, Vasilis Gavrielatos, Vijay Nagarajan, Arpit Joshi.
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Kite: Efficient and Available Release Consistency for the Datacenter. PPoPP ’20. Best paper nominee.
Vasilis Gavrielatos, Antonios Katsarakis, Vijay Nagarajan, Boris Grot, and Arpit Joshi.
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Scale-Out ccNUMA: Exploiting Skew with Strongly Consistent Caching. EuroSys ’18.
Vasilis Gavrielatos, Antonios Katsarakis, Arpit Joshi, Nicolai Oswald, Boris Grot, and Vijay Nagarajan.
pdf slides code
Extending Classic Paxos for High-performance Read-Modify-Write Registers
Vasilis Gavrielatos, Antonios Katsarakis, Vijay Nagarajan.
pdf arXiv
Designing the Replication Layer of a General-Purpose Datacenter Key-Value Store. PhD thesis.
Vasilis Gavrielatos.
Key-value-stores from the Lens of Shared Memory. ACM Sigarch Blog May ‘20.
Vijay Nagarajan, Boris Grot, Vasilis Gavrielatos and Antonis Katsarakis
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